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We will tell you first when we get something new in stock! Exclusive materials or priority in reserving materials.
Scraps from any materials purchased from Circular Partners can be returned at no costs. Please note: Contact us for scraps from other sources.
Don’t forget to tag us @VikingRecycling #CircularPartners when you share your creations!
We are committed to and prioritize the principles of reusing, focusing on extending the lifecycle of products and minimizing the need for extracting virgin materials.
By reusing products, we aim to protect our natural resources and significantly reduce the embodied carbon associated with the manufacturing and shipping of new items. Many products still have valuable years of use left, and through our dedicated efforts, we ensure these items are repurposed and remain in circulation, ultimately contributing to a healthier planet.
Circular Partners © * ™ 2024 | Highest & Best Use™ - PRIVACY POLICY